Sitting here on the back deck watching the storm clouds roll in and I hear the rumbling of thunder.
I ponder.
The temperature is in the high 80’s and the sun is warm with birds chirping all around. The smell of sweet bbq lingers as our neighbors are grasping for some kind of normalcy to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend in this 2020 year we are in.
The temperature begins to drop, the warmth of the sun fades, the wind picks up and the sound of rustling leaves begin to drown out the laughter and conversations.
The smell of wet air becomes thick and battles the smell of fresh bbq.
The birds are still chirping without a care in the world. People will begin making their way in the house to find refuge, to stay out of the elements letting the storm pass.
It is not often that I get to sit and watch a storm roll in.
Maybe it’s because I let all the other responsibilities, excuses or distractions have my attention.
“Have faith in Him in all circumstances, dear people. Open up your heart to Him; the True God shelters us in His arms.” Psalm 62:8
Taking a pause can cause a perspective change and gives you exactly what’s needed to sustain you for today.
I hear a lawn mower…
I’m sure they are sprinting to check off one more “to-do” before the downpour of rain.
Storms come and go and we never quite know the exact moment they will hit. The only consistent part we can cling to is that it’s not if they will come, it’s when they will come.
Isn’t that how our lives are?
We have each faced storms.
Our storms in every season look different.
Jobs, a health diagnosis, financial loss, marriage, parenting, loss of a family member and Covid are just barely scraping the surface of the storms that each of us could be facing, have faced or will face.
Sometimes we create these storms by our own choices and actions.
Some of these storms we attempt to avoid and prevent as we grasp for control.
The truth is, though, storms will come.
If we choose to embrace these storms, there can be a purpose and we can become a better version of ourselves on the inside if we commit to take one step at a time.
The wind rushes like waves traveling through the leaves that blanket the trees tucked between the houses.
On occasion, limbs and leaves fall to the ground, but these trees have withstood the elements for decades. Their roots have given them the strength and nutrients to STAND strong… to welcome each storm with confidence knowing it will help them grow and make their roots even stronger.
“Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always spill over with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7
Where are you rooted?
What is going to give you the strength to withstand whatever storm may come?
Storms will come but rest assured, they will also end.
They don’t stay around forever.
The work you do now to prepare for the storms will determine what you have to deal with in the aftermath.
Storms are part of our journey. Stand strong and know that God is with you every step of the way.
Keep going friend!